Healthcare Solutions
Infant Protection system is infant monitoring and tracking system based on wireless technology. A wireless transmitter is attached to the ankle of the newborn baby to track its movements inside the hospital to ensure that baby is always attended by the right person and with the right mother.
BioEnable offer multi biometric patient identification solution, supporting fingerprint, palm vein, iris and face recognition. Our patient identity solution allows hospitals to quickly retrieve a patient’s medical record with a fast Biometric identification. Â
Identification of new born baby’s is one of the main tasks of the medical team following birth. Especially in developing countries , where security in public maternity wards is not very tight, and overcrowding is common, the risks of a baby swap or kidnap etc..
Hospital Track & Trace solutions offer security, safety & visibility of People & Assets inside the Hospital. It is Active RFID & RTLS (Real Time Location System) based solution that can tag & track movement of staff, patients & mobile assets inside the hospital giving strong control in the hands of administrators
BioEnable offer multi biometric patient identification solution, supporting fingerprint, palm vein, iris and face recognition. Our patient identity solution allows hospitals to quickly retrieve a patient’s medical record with a fast Biometric identification.Â
Radio Frequency Identification or RFID is a technology that enables unique identification of entities and prevents theft of objects. With the implementation of RFID, inappropriate assignment of tasks or improper scheduling can also be prevented.......